Thursday, May 4, 2023

World Warp One!

 Star Warps Day, everyone - and peace and goodwill to all, man.

Now, we All Love Star Warps, but I must confess I'm a bit lazy with my adulation and tend to stick to the OG Seventies threesome. That was until I discovered that there was a PREQUEL TRILOGY shot in the 1950s! "ZOMG!" As that blue robot Zomg always says. 


Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, the 1950s.  And I have to tell you, Fifties Star Warps is the BEST. taking us twenty or so years back to when Opie Benobie was young and discovered the origin of Luke Sandhater's father Unkind Sandhater, years before he fell for the Darkside of the Warps and became Dark Vapor. 

"It's coarse and gets everywhere - it's all Opie-One's fault!"

 Fifties Star Warps is great because even though it's a new story with different things, you're never far from the great Warps characters of the future - like Yoder, See-thru Peyote (C-thru PO), and his diminutive robot chum Artie Detour (RTD-tour) - old, but new, but old again. It's quite something. 


But it's the new characters that we remember now, like the Emporio's goon, Dark Moll

and lovable gudgeon Jo-Jo Blinks: 

"Me-so good boy!"

Star Warps. The older, the better!

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