Moses stayed with us, seeing off an intended flatmate, 'Oscar', who went to the flat upstairs instead after which they became firm buddies. He survived a fall off a balcony and made a rapid recovery after breaking into a packet of cat treats while under house arrest, and also survived pursuit by a couple of dogs belonging to some particularly ugly squatters down the road. We moved from Canongate to Opoho and he spent his first 'captive' afternoon in the new flat halfway up the chimney. Somewhere I have my favourite picture of him on a macrocarpa stump behind that flat, snow-white against a blue sky with the wind ruffling his fur and his normally large-pupiled eyes looking suitably spooked.
When we moved to Wellington he flew up with us in the plane's luggage hold, looking even more spooked when unloaded on a noisy tarmac. It was an even smaller Hataitai flat that we had our first big emergency, losing him when he got locked in someone's basement laundry for a week. That was a long week. We'd had him for five years by then and he'd become a permanent fixture, his vet visits and bookings into increasingly harder to find catteries for holidays an essential part of the calendar. Two more homes followed and he spent a month in one cattery while we did our bijou-OE (he came back with a different meow, somehow crosser and more irritated), and a couple of nights in the emergency vet's when a run-in with Monty, a psychotic Burmese resulted in an expensive operation and a rubber hose draining his chest for a few days.
For so many years he'd been such a part of our lives that when his health eventually started to become an issue we began to talk about what we would do for him when it needed to be done. He was on various arthritis pills for about three years (possibly his knees eventually catching up with him), and heart pills which likely started to affect his kidneys for two of those. When he gained a human sibling he took it with great grace, keeping his distance bar the odd curious nuzzle, and tolerating his tail being pulled by very enthusiastic and strong little hands. But in the past year that tail didn't stand up as much as it had used to, 'questioning' everything as he patrolled our back yard. He spent more time indoors, and more time sleeping, and though his kidneys had been in very good health for a while, his weight went down and never returned to the six-plus kilograms of his luxuriant prime. When knots started to develop on his belly fur and around his back legs we knew he wasn't able to groom himself as immaculately as he'd done in the past, and a blood test at the vets confirmed he was well into kidney disease. We knew he was fading, but we hadn't realised how little time we had left.
In the end we pre-empted things, and had him put down before he was too unwell and it needed to be done anyway. In the last three weeks of his life he got into a fight and caught a bird, but unusual episodes even in his prime. Having both had other cats who'd deteriorated and become skittish ghosts before our eyes, we were determined not to let Moses go the same way, so we sadly made an appointment and kept it. I wish I could say it was a peaceful end on the day, but it mostly was, and was still preferable to him ending his life in great pain, off his food and no longer himself. And he wasn't alone, slipping away in my arms, his body impossibly limp and sagged under sedation before the last injection that had him just stop, then sigh, and then cease.
Some pets get under your skin in ways that just break your heart in the end. Moses was described by friends as a 'gentleman' and a real character, words that probably get used for a lot of good cats and dogs around the place; but he genuinely was a great companion, noiselessly joining us on our back deck in our quiet moments or appearing as an unexpected lump, rumbling in the dark at the bottom right hand of the bed (always my side, since that first night). We've patched up and reclaimed 'his' distressed couch, and rediscovered to our surprise that it's the most comfortable place in the whole house. Moses meanwhile is in our cold back room, cremated and sealed in a box which seems far too small for all the affection he gave us and we gave him over sixteen years. When the weather clears he'll go under his lemon tree in the back yard along with a few items of his.
Rest in peace Moses. You were the best cat ever.
Sad. My condolences on the loss of a much-loved friend.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite memory of Moses is when I can round your house and sat next to him on the couch. He proceeded to start miaowing non-stop, almost like he was talking to me. I looked at you and said 'I think he wants feeding, you replied 'No he's just saying hello'. And he was :)
Happy trails Mr Cat!!
Awww, my condolences!
ReplyDeleteI only met Moses once, when we visited you in Wellington, but I could tell he had great character, and I loved how he cropped up in TSV's 'Beyond the Sofa'.
ReplyDeleteI'm moved by your touching eulogy. My condolences.
The best cat to cat-sit ever. No exaggeration; He was always ranging around so was never home :)
ReplyDeleteI'll never forget the 'Moses locked in the Laundry week' - Rose and I lived that with you both - I even seem to remember accompanying you on a torch-lit trek to your neighbours to check 'just one more time'.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, I remember your overjoyed email when he returned at last. We all celebrated - Moses had a way of doing that to you.
Our thoughts are with you and bridge.
Thanks guys for the really nice comments, they've been great to read and most welcome!
ReplyDeleteI could add that Moses' couch is the self-same titular furniture employed in TSV's Beyond the Sofa articles. Al knows what I'm talking about...
@ GuanoLad yep, you catsat Moses in Opoho, didn't you? In that case he probably wasn't far way but in a sunny spot under the house and on a windowsill, having found a tiny hole in the concrete path behind the house to get access in there and give him some rest time :)
We lost three "best cats ever" last year, and one "best dog ever" too. It's astonishing to me, who never had pets of his own until the past few years, how wonderful they are and how terribly they can be missed. From the sounds of it, Moses was a splendid fellow I'd have enjoyed making the acquaintance of. My condolences to you for your loss.